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标签:牛津 六年级 月考
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一. 找出一个画线部分发音与其他三个不同的单词 4’
( ) 1. A. bread B. head C. team D. breakfast
( ) 2. A. there B. dear C. hear D. near
( ) 3. A. she B. speak C. lesson D. three
( ) 4. A. nice B. give C. time D. mobile
( ) 5. A. roll B. clock C. moment D. ago
( ) 6. A. zoo B. look C. good D. cook
( ) 7. A. bird B. birthday C. April D. first
( ) 8. A. out B. touch C. country D. cousin
二、 词组互译 16’
1. 把球传给他 __________________2. 禁止停车 ___________________
3.一份生日礼物 _________________4. 刚才 ___________________
5.一幅眼镜______________________6. 在地上___________________
7.赛跑 _________________________8. 三月二日 ___________________
9.一场足球赛___________________ 10. 拍照 ___________________
11.Sports Day_________________ 12. the 23th of January _____________
13. blow out _____________________14. make noise ___________________
15. pick them up _______________ 16. different means ________________
三、 选择 ( 1——10 0.5’ // 11——15 1’)
( ) 1. Mike is ____________________.
A. pass the ball to Tom B. passed the ball to Tom C. passing the ball to Tom.
( ) 2. The CD Walkman is under the book. The book is ________ the CD Walkman.
A. in front of B. on C. in
( ) 3. I want to learn more _______ football.
A. about B. with C. of
( ) 4. My camera ________ here just now.
A. was B. is C. were
( ) 5. It’s very hot. Jim is ________ his coat.
A. putting on B. taking off C. taking down.
( ) 6. What would you like?
A. I like drinking. B. I don’t like milk. C. some juice.
( ) 7. The football goes out ______ the football field.
A. of B. from C. on
( ) 8. What ________ is it today? Sunday.
A. date B. mouth C. day
( ) 9. Look! Number 7 is _______ the goal.
A. at B. in C. to
( )10. My study is next ________ my bedroom.
A. to B. for C. of
( )11. What’s the score, Helen? ______________________
A. Liu Tao’s got the ball now. B. That ball is going over the goal.
C. Sorry, I don’t know. I was not here just now.
( ) 12. I’m so tired. Let’s sit on the grass. ___________________________.
A. There are much grass in this park. B. Danger!
C. Can’t you see the sign“Keep off the grass”?
( ) 13. I can’t find my cat. Where’s it ? It was here a moment ago. ___________________
A. Was it on your desk? B. The cat is white. C. Don’t worry, let me help you.
( ) 14. Nancy’s birthday is coming soon. What would she like as a birthday present? She likes writing. _________________
A. Would she like a video recorder?
B. B. Perhaps she’d like a nice diary as a birthday present.
C. Shall we buy a birthday cake.
( ) 15. _________________ Yes, Look! Mike is passing the ball to David.
A. Is Mike David’s good friend? B. Does Mike like playing football?
C. Are Mike and David in the same team?
四、 连词成句 10’
1. next it the is to computer room
2. you them pick for can up the
3. Mike throw ball don’t the to
4. see park we some public in the can signs
5. pair present of birthday like your would a earphones you as
五、 根据情景写句子 8’
1. Gao Shan 看见爸爸在看足球,想知道比分如何,于是问:

2. Ben 看见一个从没见过的告示牌,想知道是什么意思,于是问:
What _____________________________________________?
3. Nancy 想知道我的生日是什么时候,问:
4. Nancy 知道了我的生日后,想知道我希望得到什么生日礼物,问:
What ___________________________________________?
六、 用括号内的词的适当形式填空 5’
1. A: Where ______ you just now? (be)
B: I _______ in the teachers’ office.
2. Look! Liu Tao _______ in the classroom. But just now he ________ in the teachers’ office. (be)
3. Liu Tao often ______ (get) up at six . It’s six o’clock. But he _______________(sleep) now.
4. My brothers _________ (like) asking ________ ( I ) some questions.
5. _____________ (not pass) the ball to him.
6. What ________ Jim usually do on weekends?
七、 按实际情况回答问题 9’
1. What date is it today? ______________________________________.
2. When’s your father’s birthday? __________________________________.
3. Do you usually have a birthday party? ____________________________.
4. Would you like a toy panda as your birthday present? _______________.
5. If you are in the park, what shouldn’t you do? ______________________.
6. Who is in front of you? _____________________________________
八、 根据各句意思排列成连贯的对话 3’
A. They were next to the door a moment ago.
B. OK, but where are my shoes?
C. Oh, yes, they are.
D. It’s time to go to school, Nancy.
E. But, they are not there now.
F. Are they behind the door?
九、 阅读理解 (判断对错,对T 错F) 6’
It is Sunday morning. David, Mike, Gao Shan and other boys are playing football in the football field. Now David passes the ball to Mike. Mike kicks it to the goal, but Wang Bing, the goalkeeper, catches the ball and throws it to Ben. Ben kicks it and passes it to Liu Tao. But David gets the ball again and passes it to Tom. Tom kicks the ball to the goal. It is a beautiful kick, but the ball goes over the goal and it goes out of the field! Now, the score is zero all.
( ) 1. The boys are playing the basketball.
( ) 2. David and Mike are in the same team.
( ) 3. Wang Bing is the goalkeeper.
( ) 4. Tom kicks the ball to the goal.
标签:牛津 六年级 月考
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